瑷荔德Allied Vision Tech(AVT) 工业相机驱动和二次开发包Vimba_v5.0_ARM64- The SDK for AVT cameras
瑷荔德Allied Vision Tech(AVT) 工业相机驱动和二次开发包Vimba_v5.0_ARM64- The SDK for AVT cameras文件名: Vimba_v5.0_ARM64.tgz
文件大小: 52830902 字节 (50.38 MB)
修改日期: 2024-10-25 10:51
MD5: a52b94029ccbb431706c088170e6b225
SHA1: 607f32322b003dcb8617a8672777451c0f71daa0
SHA256: d6afeba67f120d3f8b7ac898504a6c1192093910060439a535891193ffbdec2a
CRC32: 8caa44d7
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提取码:**** Hidden Message *****
Changes in Vimba 5.0.0:
- New feature: GVSPHostReceiveBufferSize (SO_RCVBUF, usable with
the socket driver only) replaces GVSPHostReceiveBuffers (which is still
usable in existing applications).
GigETL and GigE Filter Driver for Windows 10
- Fixed for 5 GigE cameras:
- Vimba Viewer did not show single frame acquisitions
- Improved timeout handling
- Fixed limitations of certain GVSPPacketSize values (5 GigE)
- Fixed: Callbacks after stopping image acquisition caused exceptions
in the Python API.
- Fixed: ListAncillaryDataFeatures example (error "Could not queue frame")
Vimba Firmware Updater
- Prepared for CSI-2 support (supported ARM boards only)
Vimba Firmware Updater Console
- Prepared for CSI-2 support (supported ARM boards only)
Vimba Viewer
- Prepared for CSI-2 support (supported ARM boards only)