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[NI驱动程序] NI-DAQmx Base 14.0 Download Linux32/64Eng NI-DAQmx基本版14.0Linux系统版下载

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    Windows系统下(Linux和MAC系统下请自行了解清楚)NI的各种软件、模块、工具包、驱动程序,使用NI许可证管理器来激活的,绝大部分的都可以使用NI Lincense Activator来激活:NI序列号Serial Number生成激活工具NI License Activator,LabVIEW/VBAI/VDM/VAS等软件模块工具包破解工具不限版本http://visionbbs.com/thread-490-1-1.html


    NI-DAQmx Base 14.0 Download Linux32/64Eng NI-DAQmx基本版14.0Linux系统版下载

    NI-DAQmx基本版为数据采集系统提供一部分NI-DAQmx功能,适用于Mac OS、Linux和Windows操作系统。
    NI-DAQmx基本版是一个驱动软件,具有NI-DAQmx的部分功能。它与LabVIEW集成,提供现成即用的LabVIEW VI和C函数示例,这类似于完整版NI-DAQmx软件。NI-DAQmx基本版是为在Mac操作系统上进行LabVIEW开发而设计的,但也可以安装在Windows和Linux机器上,因此相同的代码可在三个操作系统上运行。

    MD5: a7cdf7fbd2c96005e1130bc2ae937c53(官方正确)
    SHA1: 88fb965592e78416b4db92ec107c721894eb5617
    SHA256: 53265d3cb2719488e17dcbf402f9c42ffbff2e77cb60fc372d3cd27671df10a0
    CRC32: c46245ae
    NIDAQmx-Base-Linux14.0.0.txt (279 Bytes, 下载次数: 0, 售价: 10 元)

    README for NI-DAQmx Base 14.0.005-Nov-2014Copyright 2004-2014 National Instruments Corporation. All Rights Reserved.For patents covering National Instruments products, refer to the patents.txtfile on the root directory of your software installation disc (if applicable)and/or ni.com/patents. CVI(TM), LabVIEW(TM), Measurement Studio(TM), NationalInstruments(TM), NI(TM), ni.com(TM), NI-DAQ(TM), and SCXI(TM) are trademarks ofNational Instruments Corporation.  Linux(r) is the registered trademark of LinusTorvalds in the U.S. and other countries.  Product and company names mentionedherein are trademarks or trade names of their respective companies.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------This file contains late breaking news about NI-DAQmx Base and supersedes anyinformation found in other documentation included in this distribution. Refer toni.com/linux for the most recent information about NationalInstruments Linux support.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------SUPPORTED FUNCTIONALITYM Series MIO (USB-621x/PCI/PCIe/PXI/PXIe)  *NOTE* NI 623x Isolated M Series are not supported by NI-DAQmx Base.  *Analog Input    -DMA (PCI/PCIe/PXI/PXIe only)    -Digital start triggering    -Digital reference triggering (PCI/PCIe/PXI/PXIe only)    -Analog start and reference triggering (PCI/PCIe/PXI/PXIe only)    -External clocking    -Multi-channel, multi-sample read (scaled)    -Multi-channel, multi-sample read (raw) (PCI/PCIe/PXI/PXIe only)    -Multi-channel, single sample read (scaled)  *Analog Output    -Digital start triggering    -External clocking    -Multi-channel, multi-sample write (scaled)    -Multi-channel, single-sample write (scaled)  *Counter Input    -Simple event counting    -Buffered event counting (continuous speed is limited by computer speed;        reading a single large buffer does not cause an error)    -Period measurement    -Buffered period measurement (USB-621x only)    -Pulse width measurement    -Buffered pulse width measurement (USB-621x only)  *Counter Output    -Single pulse    -Continuous pulse train    -Digital start triggering  *Digital I/O    -Port input    -Line input    -Port output    -Line output    -Correlated DIO (PCI/PCIe/PXI/PXIe only)    -speed is limited to about 100kHz (system dependent)        because DMA is not supported for DIONI 6508/PCI-DIO-96 (PCI/PXI only)  *Supported in NI-DAQmx Base Task Configuration Utility  *Port Input  *Port OutputE Series MIO (PCI/PXI only)  *Supported in NI-DAQmx Base Task Configuration Utility  *Analog Input    -DMA    -Digital start and reference triggering    -Analog start and reference triggering    -External clocking    -Multi-channel, multi-sample read (scaled)    -Multi-channel, multi-sample read (raw)    -Multi-channel, single sample read (scaled)  *Analog Output    -External clocking    -Multi-channel, multi-sample write (scaled)    -Multi-channel, single-sample write (scaled)  *Counter Input    -Simple event counting    -Buffered event counting (continuous speed is limited by computer speed;        reading a single large buffer does not cause an error)    -Period measurement    -Pulse width measurement  *Counter Output    -Single pulse    -Continuous pulse train    -Digital start triggering  *Digital I/O (Port0 only)    -Port input    -Port outputB Series MIO (PCI/PXI only)  *Supported in NI-DAQmx Base Task Configuration Utility (NI 6013/6014 only)  *Analog Input    -DMA    -Digital start and reference triggering    -Analog start and reference triggering    -External clocking    -Multi-channel, multi-sample read (scaled)    -Multi-channel, multi-sample read (raw)    -Multi-channel, single sample read (scaled)  *Analog Output    -External clocking    -Multi-channel, multi-sample write (scaled)    -Multi-channel, single-sample write (scaled)  *Counter Input    -Simple event counting    -Buffered event counting (continuous speed is limited by computer speed;        reading a single large buffer does not cause an error)    -Period measurement    -Pulse width measurement  *Counter Output    -Single pulse    -Continuous pulse train    -Digital start triggering  *Digital I/O (Port0 only)    -Port input    -Port outputNI 671x/673x (PCI/PXI only)  *Supported in NI-DAQmx Base Task Configuration Utility  *Analog Output    -External clocking    -Multi-channel, multi-sample write (scaled)    -Multi-channel, single-sample write (scaled)  *Counter Input    -Simple event counting    -Buffered event counting (continuous speed is limited by computer speed;        reading a single large buffer does not cause an error)    -Period measurement    -Pulse width measurement  *Counter Output    -Single pulse    -Continuous pulse train    -Digital start triggering  *Digital I/O (Port0 only)    -Port input    -Port outputNI USB-9211A  *Supported in NI-DAQmx Base Task Configuration Utility  *Analog Input    -Multi-channel, multi-sample read (scaled)    -Multi-channel, single sample read (scaled)NI USB-9215A  *Supported in NI-DAQmx Base Task Configuration Utility  *Analog Input    -Multi-channel, multi-sample read (scaled)    -Multi-channel, single sample read (scaled)NI USB-9233  *Analog Input    -Multi-channel, multi-sample read (scaled)NI USB-9234  *Analog Input    -Multi-channel, multi-sample read (scaled)    -Software selectable AC coupling and IEPE excitation per channelNI USB-6008/9, USB-6008/9 OEM  *Supported in NI-DAQmx Base Task Configuration Utility  *Analog Input    -Digital start triggering    -Multi-channel, multi-sample read (scaled)    -Multi-channel, single sample read (scaled)  *Analog Output    -Multi-channel, multi-sample write (scaled)    -Multi-channel, single-sample write (scaled)  *Counter Input    -Simple event counting (falling edge only)  *Digital I/O    -Line input    -Port input    -Port output    -Line outputNI USB-6501, USB-6501 OEM  *Supported in NI-DAQmx Base Task Configuration Utility  *Counter Input    -Simple event counting (falling edge only)  *Digital I/O    -Line input    -Port input    -Port output    -Line outputNI S Series  *Boards Supported    -NI 6110    -NI 6111    -NI 6115    -NI 6120    -NI 6143  *Analog Input    -DMA    -Digital start and reference triggering    -Analog start and reference triggering    -External clocking    -Multi-channel, multi-sample read (scaled)    -Multi-channel, multi-sample read (raw)    -Multi-channel, single sample read (scaled)Check the installed documentation for a list of supported functions andparameters.SUPPORTED PCI/PXI/PCIe DEVICES (Refer to SUPPORTED FUNCTIONALITY for device-specific details)PCI-6010        PCI-6224        PXI-6011E        PXI-6250PCI-6013        PCI-6225        PXI-6023E        PXI-6251PCI-6014        PCI-6229        PXI-6024E        PXI-6254PCI-6023E        PCI-6250        PXI-6025E        PXI-6259PCI-6024E        PCI-6251        PXI-6030E        PXI-6280PCI-6025E        PCI-6254        PXI-6031E        PXI-6281PCI-6031E        PCI-6259        PXI-6032E        PXI-6284PCI-6032E        PCI-6280        PXI-6033E        PXI-6289PCI-6033E        PCI-6281        PXI-6035E        PXI-6508PCI-6034E        PCI-6284        PXI-6040E        PXI-6711PCI-6035E        PCI-6289        PXI-6052E        PXI-6713PCI-6036E        PCI-6711        PXI-6070E        PXI-6731PCI-6052E        PCI-6713        PXI-6071E        PXI-6733PCI-6071E        PCI-6731        PXI-6115        PXIe-6251PCI-6110        PCI-6733        PXI-6120        PXIe-6259PCI-6111        PCI-DIO-96        PXI-6143PCI-6115        PCIe-6251        PXI-6220PCI-6120        PCIe-6259        PXI-6221PCI-6143        PCI-MIO-16E-1        PXI-6222PCI-6220        PCI-MIO-16E-4        PXI-6224PCI-6221        PCI-MIO-16XE-10        PXI-6225PCI-6222        PCI-MIO-16XE-50        PXI-6229OPERATING SYSTEM SUPPORTNI-DAQmx Base 14.0.0 supports:openSUSE 12.3 and 13.1,Red Hat Enterprise Linux WS 6 (x86/x86_64),Scientific Linux 6.x,and Mac OS X v10.8.x (x86_64) and v10.9.x (x86_64)Currently, only 32-bit applications are supported on the x86-64 architecture.SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS (Minimum System)256 MB MemoryDisk Space:\  * Minimum Install/Hardware Support: 150 MB\  * Additional C Interface Support: 9 MB\  * Additional LabVIEW Support for each version installed: 43 MB\NI-DAQmx Base 14.0.0 for Linux software for the Intel x86 architecturerequires one of the following distributions:    Red Hat Enterprise Linux WS 6 (x86/x86_64)    Scientific Linux WS 6.x    openSUSE Linux 12.3    openSUSE Linux 13.1You must use the provided INSTALL script to install NI-DAQmx Base 14.0.0.Refer to ni.com/linux for the most recent information about National InstrumentsLinux support.INSTALLER NOTESInstall your hardware first before installing the driver software.To install NI-DAQmx Base, run as root:#./INSTALLThe installer installs the following:  1. NI-VISA.  2. All needed shared object files and documentation for supported     PCI/PCIe/PXI/PXIe hardware.  3. Shared tools for device detection and configuration.  4. LabVIEW 2011 (SP1), 2012 (SP1), 2013 (SP1), 2014 and/or C API     functionality.  5. USB device support.To uninstall NI-DAQmx Base, run as root:#./UNINSTALLINSTALLATION FAQSQ1: What action needs to be taken if I upgrade/change my kernel?A1: After upgrading your kernel, run updateNIDrivers utility as root.    The utility is located in /usr/local/bin. Be sure to have sources    for your new kernel properly installed on your system before running    the utility. The utility rebuilds the driver using the new kernel    sources and copies it to the appropriate location for the new kernel.    For the changes to take place, you need to reboot your machine at the    prompt after the utility completes.Q2: During installation I get a message similar to the following one:    "Kernel source does not appear to be configured for the running kernel.    Configuration of kernel source is required to continue installation."    I do have kernel sources installed; is there anything else that needs to    be done?A2: This problem can occur even if you have installed the correct kernel    sources, if the sources require configuration. This problem has been seen on    openSUSE. However, it is possible that other distributions does require    similar steps to resolve this problem. To solve this problem, complete the    following steps:    1. Ensure that you have installed kernel-source and kernel-syms packages       corresponding to the version of the currently running kernel. Determine       the version of the currently running kernel by issuing the command       `uname -r`.    2. Change the directory to the /usr/src/linux- directory, where       corresponds to the currently running kernel version.    3. Run "zcat /boot/symvers-.gz > Module.symvers" as root to prepare       modversion support.    4. Run "make cloneconfig" as root to configure the sources for the       currently running kernel.    5. Run "make modules_prepare" as root to prepare the headers for       compilation.    6. (OPTIONAL) To remove the following warning, complete this step:       "WARNING: Symbol version dump /usr/src/linux/Module.symvers is missing,        modules will have CONFIG_MODVERSIONS disabled."Run "make modules" as        root to compile all modules and generate Module.symvers. This may take        30 minutes or more to complete.    7. Run the INSTALL script for the NI-DAQmx Base software for Linux from this       directory.Q3: During installation I get the error "Problem with RPM detected. Please refer    to the NI-DAQmx Base README." when trying to install the NI-DAQmx Base    LabVIEW VIs on openSUSE 13.1. What do I need to do to install LabVIEW    support?A3: openSUSE has identified an issue with the version of RPM released with    openSUSE 13.1, which causes an install error for the NI-DAQmx Base LabVIEW    VIs. To resolve this install error, use the following steps:    1. Update to Novell's suggested RPM release       (rpm-4.11.1-6.5.1 at time of release).    2. Uninstall all versions of LabVIEW.    3. Reinstall LabVIEW.    4. Rerun the NI-DAQmx Base installer.    For more details about this issue please refer to openSUSE bug    report #852310. https://bugzilla.novell.com/show_bug.cgi?id=852310DEVICE CONFIGURATIONAny time a new device is added or removed, run the following(does not need to be root) command:#lsdaqThis command detects all NI-DAQmx Base supported devices. Make note of thedevice name(dev1 for example) as this is the name you need to specify whencreating channels in your program.EXAMPLESThis release includes examples for each measurement type that demonstratesappropriate functionality. Examples for LabVIEW are located in/examples/daqmxbase. They are not included in the NI Example Finder.C examples are installed by default to /usr/local/natinst/nidaqmxbase/examples.The make files create the links to the necessary libraries. Be sure to run thedevice configuration utility (lsdaq) before running the examples. To compileand run the AI example:#cd /usr/local/natinst/nidaqmxbase/examples/ai#make#./acquireNScansDOCUMENTATIONDocumentation located in /usr/local/natinst/nidaqmxbase/documentation includesthe DAQmx Base C Function Reference, the hardware user guides andspecifications, and supporting documentation PDFs. LabVIEW help files areaccessible from the LabVIEW Help menu.KNOWN ISSUES64-bit Linux Support:64-bit versions of Red Hat Enterprise Linux WS 6 require 32-bitlibraries to use NI-DAQmx Base, NI-VISA, and LabVIEW. For a complete list oflibraries needed, refer to ni.com/kb and search for KB 600GI5ES.Security-Enhanced Linux:Red Hat Enterprise Linux WS 6 has Security-Enhanced Linux enabled bydefault. While Security-Enhanced Linux is enabled, the utilities distributedwith NI-DAQmx Base 14.0.0 receive a segmentation fault signal. Touse the utilities distributed with NI-DAQmx Base 14.0.0, including the"nidatalogger" and "FWUpdate" utilities, turn on the "allow_execheap" boolean.LabVIEW API:Aborting a USB task (such as, DAQmxBase Stop Task.vi is not called) results inat least one VISA session leaking. This open VISA session prevents anyother process outside of the LabVIEW environment from accessing the USB device,including lsdaq, and returns error -6005. For more information, refer toni.com/kb and search for KB 4GGF03GW. To clear the open VISA sessions, you needto close and re-open LabVIEW.Employing DAQmxBase CreateTask, DAQmxBase Create Virtual Channel, and DAQmxBaseClear Task in a loop causes leaks approximately 110 bytes per iteration. If youpass in a string for the taskName parameter in DAQmxBase Create Task, the memoryleak does not occur.DAQmxBase Is Task Done currently does not support analog input.Some parameters that aren't available in the LabVIEW API interface can beaccessed through the NI-DAQmx Base Task Configuration Utility (triggerhysteresis, convert clock rate, etc.). Launch the utility from theTools menu to statically configure tasks. To use static tasks,call the DAQmxBase Create Task with the 'task to copy' input with the name ofyour static task. You can then modify the static task with configurationfunctions or just call Start, Read/Write, Stop afterwards. Refer to theSUPPORTED FUNCTIONALITY section for devices the utility supports.If the Application Builder catches and error when building an executable orshared object project using NI-DAQmx Base VIs, you must restart LabVIEW beforerunning any NI-DAQmx Base VI.C API:Using DAQmxBaseCreateTask, a DAQmxBaseCreateXXChannel function, andDAQmxBaseClearTask in a loop causes leaks approximately 110 bytes periteration. In DAQmxBaseCreateTask, if you pass in a string for the taskNameparameter, the memory leak does not occur.DAQmxBaseIsTaskDone does not currently support analog input.Some parameters that aren't available in the C API interface can be accessedthrough the NI-DAQmx Base Task Configuration Utility (trigger hysteresis,convert clock rate, etc.). The utility is named mxbaseconfig and allows you tostatically configure tasks. To use static tasks, call DAQmxBaseLoadTask insteadof DAQmxBaseCreateTask. You can then modify the static task withconfiguration functions or just call Start, Read/Write, Stop afterwards. Referto the SUPPORTED FUNCTIONALITY section for devices the utility supports.When linking, the following library must be linked for full functionality ofNI-DAQmx Base:     libnidaqmxbase.soTo create a link to this library, include this line in your Makefile:nilibs=-lnidaqmxbaseand in your compile or link step add $(nilibs). Creating this link alsobuilds the C API examples.All APIs:NI-DAQmx Base does not support power management. Your system should not beset to hibernate or suspend while hardware supported by NI-DAQmx Base ispresent in the system.Aborting a USB task before the DAQmx Base Stop Task.vi is called may cause theUSB device to become unresponsive. As a result, subsequent attempts tocommunicate with the USB device may fail. To resolve this, if the LED is nolonger blinking on the USB device, unplug and re-plug in the USB device toreset the firmware. Additionally, you may need to run lsdaq and/or closeand re-open LabVIEW in order to reset the software.NI-DAQmx Base uses polynomial scaling (voltage to temperature) for thermocouplemeasurements, but the temperature range that the software supports is notconsistent with the minimum accurate range of the inverse polynomialcoefficients used for several thermocouple types. For more information aboutthis, visit ni.com/info and enter "rditml".M Series finite pulse train generation is allowed by the NI-DAQmx Base API, butdoes not behave as expected. In finite pulse train mode the selected counteronly generates a single pulse regardless of the number of pulses requested.Single pulse and continuous pulse generations behave as expected.NI-DAQmx Base is not multi-thread safe. In LabVIEW, use the error cluster toforce execution order. In C, use only one thread to make API calls; especiallyfor task/channel creation and deletion.NI-DAQmx Base completes one process/task per board functionalityat a time. You can have one task that does DIO and another task that doesAI on the same board at the same time. You cannot, however, run two AI tasks onthe same board at the same time.Currently, only the factory calibration constants are loaded and used.Self-calibration and the use of self-calibration constants are not supported.For E Series and 67xx boards, only Port0 of DIO is currently supported.There are three ways to configure tasks in NI-DAQmx Base. The first method,which is preferred, involves dynamically creating the task using Create Taskfollowed by Create Virtual Channel. The second and third methods both use theNI-DAQmx Base Configuration Utility; the difference between the second and thirdmethod is how the utility is launched and used. Refer to the SUPPORTEDFUNCTIONALITY section for devices the utility supports.To use the second method, launch the utility from the Tools menu in LabVIEW.Launching the utility from the Tools menu in LabVIEW includes any other tasksthat are in memory in LabVIEW when the utility is launched. Any changes madewith the LabVIEW launched utility immediately takes effect in LabVIEW and onany C program launched after the utility is exited.The third method involves running 'mxbaseconfig' from the command line. The'mxbaseconfig' utility is a separate application with the same features as theLabVIEW launched utility, but is designed for use with the C API and also as atool for LabVIEW-built executables. The 'mxbaseconfig' utility saves its data tothe same configuration file as the LabVIEW launched version, but changes madewith this version are only seen in LabVIEW if LabVIEW is restarted.If your machine enters Hibernate/Sleep, restart your C or LabVIEW-builtapplication, or LabVIEW to properly communicate with your DAQ device.When doing Analog Triggering for M Series, use either APFI0 or APFI1 as thetrigger source. Using any other creates an error.Hardware:USB-621x Supported DevicesNI-DAQmx Base 14.0.0 supports the USB-6210, USB-6211, USB-6211 OEM,USB-6212, USB-6212 OEM, USB-6212 BNC, USB-6212 Mass Termination, USB-6215,USB-6216, USB-6216 OEM, USB-6216 BNC, USB-6216 Mass Termination, USB-6218,USB-6218 OEM, and USB-6218 BNC devices.USB-621x Supported FunctionalityNI-DAQmx Base 14.0.0 does NOT support reference trigger capabilities on theUSB-621x devices.USB-9211A Sample ProcessWhen performing a thermocouple task, the USB-9211A automatically reads both theCold-Junction and Autozero channels and uses these values when calculating thetemperature every time the scan list is sampled. Both reads count towards theoverall sample rate. Thus the effective maximum sample rate for thermocoupletasks is 12/(N+2) S/sec where N equals the number of channels being read. Forexample, if three channels are being read by a thermocouple task, the maximumsample rate is then 12/(3 + 2) = 2.4 S/sec. Higher sample rates might beobtained by reading the desired thermocouple channel as a voltage channel in anAnalog Input task. However, as an Analog Input task, the resulting units arevolts, and temperature calculation is not performed by the driver.The Cold-Junction Compensation sensor can be read by using physical channel 4as a voltage channel. The Autozero channel is not available as a physicalchannel.USB-9211A and USB-9215A Channel Voltage RangeThe USB-9211A and USB-9215A devices do not provide a user-configurable channelrange. The following lists the supported channel ranges per device:USB-9211A    80 mVUSB-9215A    10 VUSB-92xx LED Might Blink SporadicallyThe USB-92xx LED might not blink at a steady rate when acquiring data. Sporadicblinking is normal and does not affect data acquisition.SUPPORTNational Instruments appreciates feedback, and bug reports, about thisrelease. To contact NI, visit: http://www.ni.com/ask.CHANGES FROM PREVIOUS VERSIONS+3.7.0 --> 14.0.0  *Added LabVIEW 2014 support  *Removed LabVIEW 2010 support+3.6.0 --> 3.7.0  *Added LabVIEW 2013 support  *Removed LabVIEW 2009 support+3.5.0 --> 3.6.0  *Added LabVIEW 2012 support  *Removed LabVIEW 8.6(.1) support+3.4.5 --> 3.5.0  *Added 64-bit kernel support for Red Hat Linux 5 and 6+3.4.0 --> 3.4.5  *Added LabVIEW 2011 support  *Removed LabVIEW 8.5(.1) support  *Decreased the library load time when using the C API+3.3.0 --> 3.4.0  *Added LabVIEW 2010 support  *Removed LabVIEW 8.2(.1) support+3.2.0 --> 3.3.0  *Added LabVIEW 2009 support  *Added support for the USB-6212 and USB-6216 devices+3.1.0 --> 3.2.0  *Added LabVIEW 8.6 support  *Added support for the USB-9234  *Added DAQmxBase Properties  *Removed LabVIEW 8.0 support+2.1.0 --> 3.1.0  *Added LabVIEW 8.5(.1) support  *Added support for USB-621x and USB-9233 devices+2.0.0 --> 2.1.0  *Added LabVIEW 8.2 support.  *Removed LabVIEW 7.0 and LabVIEW 7.1 support.+1.5.0 --> 2.0.0  *Added PCIe M Series support.  *Added LabVIEW 8.0 support.  *LabVIEW 8.0.1 Run-time Engine is now used for the C API and utility apps.  *Added DAQmxBase Export Signal.vi and DAQmxBase Wait for Next    Sample Clock.vi to the LabVIEW API.+1.4.0 --> 1.5.0  *Added M Series support.+1.3.1 --> 1.4.0  *Added NI USB-6008/9 support.  *Added NI USB-6501 support.+1.2b3 --> 1.3.1  *Added support for the 671x and 673x boards.  *Added NI USB-9215 support.  *Added NI USB-9211 support.  *Added beta support for S Series boards (AI functionality only).BUG FIXESThe following items are the IDs and titles of a subset of issues fixed betweenNI-DAQmx Base 3.7 and NI-DAQmx Base 14.0. If you have a Bug ID, you can searchthis list to validate that the issue has been fixed. This is not an exhaustivelist of issues fixed in the current version of NI-DAQmx Base.451968 - Channel swapping on PCI/PCIe devices when restarting a task withoutstoppingThe following items are the IDs and titles of a subset of issues fixed betweenNI-DAQmx Base 3.6 and NI-DAQmx Base 3.7.125793 - Boards that use DMA for analog input can now sample at full clockrates.188602 - The Analog Input Samples Available property now correctly works forUSB-600x and USB-92xx devices.337737 - NIDAQmxBase.h is now installed in the compiler search path.364104 - NI-DAQmx Base period measurement now uses the user specified timeout.373093 - The C API no longer hangs in Cocoa application exit.386569 - The NI USB 6216 Screw Terminal device is now detected correctly.410911 - DAQmx Base utilities no longer require SSE2 CPU registers.411727 - Thunderbolt devices now correctly work with IOMMU enabled Macs.The following items are the IDs and titles of a subset of issues fixed inNI-DAQmx Base 3.6:235582 - Windows Vista displays wrong text when recognizing a USB-621x device.328636 - A hang can occur when using the C Interface on RHEL 6 or ScientificLinux 6.334612 - It is possible to reach a system state where all C applications andsome DAQmx Base utilities crash on start.334728 - Unplugging the USB cable while using USB-9211A results in a LabVIEWhang on Linux.347613 - Running the TouchPanel Acq One Sample example on a TPC-2012 and aUSB-621x results in application hang.353357 - Warnings occur when building C Interface examples on Mac OS X.354377 - NMI could happen while running DAQmxBase Reset Device.vi in parallelwith a DIO read.The following items are the IDs and titles of a subset of issues fixed inNI-DAQmx Base 3.5:235032 - Added other missing functions in DAQmx Base C Function Reference Help.  * DAQmxBaseGetChanAttribute  * DAQmxBaseSetChanAttribute  * DAQmxBaseReadBinaryI32  * DAQmxBaseGetReadAttribute  * DAQmxBaseGetWriteAttribute  * DAQmxBaseSetWriteAttribute300522 - Some utility applications have incorrect version information.326109 - DAQmxBaseGetDevSerialNum function not outlined in the C FunctionReference Help.328204 - LSDAQ did not notify users if devices with incompatible firmwarewere detected.The following items are the IDs and titles of a subset of issues fixed inNI-DAQmx Base 3.4.5:No visible bug fixes were included in this release.The following items are the IDs and titles of a subset of issues fixed inNI-DAQmx Base 3.4:188602 - Add 'Query Available Samples' property VI for AIThe following items are the IDs and titles of a subset of issues fixed inNI-DAQmx Base 3.3:125846 - E Series DMA scale - significant performance degradation123445 - USB-621x conversion period is hard-coded125417 - Add USB-6212, USB-6216 support to NI-DAQmx Base36396 - Error reporting C examples needs improvement146347 - List supported PCI/PCIe/PXI devices in Linux and Mac OSX readme(s)101240 - Add Get/Set Property VIs to LabVIEW menusThe following items are the IDs and titles of a subset of issues fixed inNI-DAQmx Base 3.2:104182 - USB-600x AO ranges are not checked due to mismatched data types on PDA54779 - DC offset on 6009 AI acquisition using NI-DAQmx Base 3.154565 - NI-DAQmx Base Linux UNINSTALL script gives error if cancelled44358 - AO non-regeneration not supported in NI-DAQmx Base C interface43821 - Error -200220 when running dynamic task on PDA with E Series37409 - TPC-2012 does not work with NI-DAQmx BaseThe following items are the IDs and titles of a subset of issues fixed inNI-DAQmx Base 3.1:46IDK0IG - DAQmx Base 2.1 VIs Broken in French Mac OSX467A4400 - LabVIEW prints too many messages45GE1B00 - DAQmx Base Drivers not able to be weakly linked4EUERLIQ - NIDAQmxBase.h: incorrect declaration of DAQmxBaseReadBinaryI32470HO4HR - USB-9211 Does not power on when Mandriva Linux computer boots           (cold start)42A94B4W - Add quadrature encoder support to NI-DAQmx BaseERROR & WARNING CODESThese errors and warnings represent the NI-DAQmx Base supported subset of theWindows version of NI-DAQmx.223700Internal software warning.-223700Internal software error.-200983You only can get the specified property while the task is reserved, committed orwhile the task is running. Reserve, commit or start the task prior to gettingthe property.-200797An empty string was specified as a terminal name which is not supported.Specify a valid terminal name.-200745Frequency and Initial Delay property values are inconsistent with one or morecounter timebase properties. The conflicting properties must satisfy thefollowing constraints:CounterTimebaseRate/CounterMaximumCount<=Frequency<=CounterTimebaseRate/4CounterTimebaseRate/CounterMaximumCount<=1/InitialDelay<=CounterTimebaseRate/2If the Counter Timebase Rate is not specified, it is inferred from the CounterTimebase Source selection.-200608Acquisition cannot be started, because the selected buffer size is too small.Increase the buffer size.-200565 Specified digital channel contains more bits than supported by the8-bit version of DAQmxBase Port Write. Use the version of DAQmxBase Port Writethat supports wider digital ports.-200564 Specified digital channel contains more bits than supported by the32-bit version of DAQmxBase Port Read.-200561Attempted writing analog data that is too large or too small.-200559Task cannot contain a channel with the specified channel type, because the taskalready contains channels with a different channel type. Create one task foreach channel type.-200558One task cannot contain multiple independent devices. Create one task for eachindependent device.-200552Specified string is not valid, because it contains an invalid character.-200536Specified value is smaller than the minimum value supported for this property.-200527Requested values of the Minimum and Maximum properties for the counter channelare not supported for the given type of device. The values that can bespecified for Minimum and Maximum depend on the counter timebase rate.-200526Write cannot be performed because this version of DAQmxBase Write does notmatch the type of channels in the task.Use the version of DAQmxBase Write that corresponds to the channel type.-200525Read cannot be performed because this version of DAQmxBase Read does not matchthe type of channels in the task.Use the version of DAQmxBase Read that corresponds to the channel type.-200524Write cannot be performed, because the data does not contain data for allchannels in the task. When writing, supply data for all channels in the taskAlternatively, modify the task to contain the same number of channels as thedata written.-200523Read cannot be performed because this version of DAQmxBase Read only returnsdata from a single channel, and there are multiple channels in the task. Usethe multichannel version of DAQmxBase Read.-200498Syntax for a range of objects in the input string is invalid.For ranges of objects, specify a number immediately before and after everycolon (":") in the input string. Or, if a name is specified after the colon, itmust be identical to the name specified immediately before the colon. Colonsare not allowed within the names of the individual objects.-200489Specified channel cannot be added to the task, because a channel with the samename is already in the task.-200485The specified task cannot be loaded, because it is not a valid task.-200478Specified operation cannot be performed when there are no channels in the task.-200474Specified operation did not complete, because the specified timeout expired.-200473Read cannot be performed when the Auto Start property is false and the task isnot running or committed.-200459Write failed, because there are no output channels in this task to which datacan be written.-200452Specified property is not supported by the device or is not applicable to thetask.-200430I/O type of the physical channel does not match the I/O type required for thevirtual channel you are creating.-200428Value passed to the Task/Channels In control is invalid.The value must refer to a valid task or valid virtual channels.-200361Onboard device memory overflow. Because of system and/or bus-bandwidthlimitations, the driver could not read data from the device fast enough to keepup with the device throughput. Reduce the sample rate, or reduce the number ofprograms your computer is executing concurrently.-200341Generation was configured to use only onboard memory, but the correspondingbuffer is larger than onboard memory. Buffer size is provided implicitly whendata is written or explicitly when the buffer is configured.-200330An attempt has been made to use the PFI0 terminal of the device for both ananalog and digital source.Use a terminal other than PFI0 as the source of your digital signal.-200326An attempt has been made to perform a route when the source and the destinationare the same terminal. In many cases, such as when configuring an externalclock or a counter source, you must select a PFI, PXI Trigger, or RTSI line asthe source terminal.-200287Attempted to write to an invalid combination of position and offset. Theposition and offset specified a sample prior to the first sample generated(sample 0). Make sure any negative write offset specified selects a validsample when combined with the write position.-200284Some or all of the samples requested have not yet been acquired.To wait for the samples to become available use a longer read timeout or readlater in your program. To make the samples available sooner, increase thesample rate. If your task uses a start trigger, make sure that your starttrigger is configured correctly. It is also possible that you configured thetask for external timing, and no clock was supplied. If this is the case, supplyan external clock.-200278Attempted to read a sample beyond the final sample acquired. The acquisition hasstopped, therefore the sample specified by the combination of position andoffset will never be available.Specify a position and offset which selects a sample up to, but not beyond, thefinal sample acquired. The final sample acquired can be determined by queryingthe total samples acquired after an acquisition has stopped.-200265An attempt has been made to use an invalid analog trigger source.If you explicitly named the virtual channel using DAQmxBase Create Channel, youmust use the name assigned to that channel.-200261An attempt has been made to use an analog trigger in multiple situations withdiffering properties.Change the analog trigger properties so they are the same, or do not use ananalog trigger for all situations.-200254Terminal for the device is invalid.-200220Device identifier is invalid.-200214Analog trigger circuitry unavailable on the device.Select a non-analog trigger type, or use a device with analog triggeringhardware.-200170Physical channel specified does not exist on this device.Refer to the documentation for channels available on this device.-200099Physical channel not specified.-200096Number of samples to read must be -1 or greater.-200089Task name specified conflicts with an existing task name.-200082Minimum is greater than or equal to the maximum.-200077Requested value is not a supported value for this property.-200040Source terminal to be routed could not be found on the device.Make sure the terminal name is valid for the specified device. Refer to helpfor valid terminal names.-200012Specified physical channel does not support digital output.-89136Specified route cannot be satisfied, because the hardware does not support it.-89131An attempt has been made to perform a route when the source and the destinationare the same terminal. In many cases, such as when configuring an externalclock or a counter source, you must select a PFI, PXI Trigger, or RTSI line asthe source terminal.-89120Source terminal to be routed could not be found on the device. Make sure theterminal name is valid for the specified device.-50256USB Device error: Feature not supported.MHDDK ERROR & WARNING CODES15Resource Not Found - The application cannot get access to the hardware. Occursif the DAQ device is not installed on the PDA or the reference to the hardwareis invalid. For an invalid reference, restart LabVIEW.

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