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[NI驱动程序] NI RMX-400x Electronic Load Driver for LabVIEW 1.0 Win10 32/64bitEng NI RMX-410x电子负载设备LabVIEW驱动1.0

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     楼主| 发表于 2022-11-21 11:57:54 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式 来自:广东省东莞市 电信


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    NI RMX-400x Electronic Load Driver for LabVIEW 1.0 Win10 32/64bitEng NI RMX-410x电子负载设备LabVIEW驱动1.0

    RMX-400x Electronic Load Driver for LabVIEW
    RMX-400x Electronic Load Driver for LabVIEW为电子负载设备提供LabVIEW支持。
    RMX-400x Electronic Load Driver for LabVIEW是一款驱动软件,可以与RMX-400x系列电子负载设备搭配使用。该软件提供LabVIEW支持,通过将可编程仪器标准命令(SCPI)抽象化来简化常见任务的编程。

    Windows系统下(Linux和MAC系统下请自行了解清楚)NI的各种软件、模块、工具包、驱动程序,使用NI许可证管理器来激活的,绝大部分的都可以使用NI Lincense Activator来激活:NI序列号Serial Number生成激活工具NI License Activator,LabVIEW/VBAI/VDM/VAS等软件模块工具包破解工具不限版本http://visionbbs.com/thread-490-1-1.html


    Windows 10
    Windows 8.1
    Windows 7
    文件大小: 1395795 字节 (1.33 MB)
    修改日期: 2022-03-25 17:45
    MD5: be4679d1c5be0d676a3ea655b672ce3b
    SHA1: 4a9af9782122bd8bc649b58673c05b5323b1811b
    SHA256: c9d4f9be742cedf14d96408997e6b5a5807ab1d7e87ad0bff07328cd3daba98a
    CRC32: 66694d74

    NI-RMX-400x Electronic Load Driver for LabVIEW 1.0.txt (548 Bytes, 下载次数: 0, 售价: 10 元)

    NI RMX-400x Loads Instrument Driver Readme
    To rate this instrument driver, go to the driver download page on the Instrument Driver Network.

    1. Overview
    Instrument Driver Technology:LabVIEW Plug and Play (project-style)Manufacturer:National Instruments
    Supported Language(s):LabVIEWSupported Model(s):RMX-4000, RMX-4002
    Supported Modules(s):RMX-4003, RMX-4004, RMX-4005, RMX-4006
    Model(s) Tested:RMX-4002
    Interface(s):USB, GPIB, Serial, Ethernet
    Firmware Revision(s) Tested:V2.10
    Certified:YesNI Supported:YesSource Code Available:YesDriver Revision:1.0.1Original Release Date:04/30/2019Current Revision Date:11/28/2019

    2. Required Software
    Some software components need to be installed before using this instrument driver. The minimum versions of these components are listed below, and can be downloaded from the Download Site.
    VISA 5.0 or later
    For LabVIEW 8.2 and LabVIEW 2009 Refer to the LabVIEW Help for more information about software requirements. You access the LabVIEW Help by selecting Help»Search the LabVIEW Help.
    For LabVIEW 2010 or later Refer to the LabVIEW Help for more information about software requirements. You access the LabVIEW Help by selecting Help»LabVIEW Help.

    3. Known Issues
    To report issues or provide feedback about this instrument driver, please contact technical support.

    4. Revision History
    The latest version of this and other LabVIEW and LabWindows/CVI instrument drivers can be downloaded at the Instrument Driver Network.
    REV 1.0, 04/30/2019
    Modified by: Xuedan Zhao, Shanghai,China.
    Original release.

    REV 1.0.1, 11/28/2019
    Modified by: Xuedan Zhao, Shanghai, China.

    Added Examples:NI RMX-400x Loads All Channels Setup.viNI RMX-400x Loads Parallel Load Modules.vi
    Modified VIs:NI RMX-400x Loads Constant Current Mode Setup.vi - Corrected the wrong calls of instance of the Fetch Load Module Input.vi.Configure Channel Mode.vi - Fixed the mismatch between the front panel and block diagram of the items in the Channel Mode control.


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