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[NI驱动程序] NI-CAN 18.5 Driver Win32Eng/Ger/Fre/Jpn NI控制器局域网驱动软件18.5下载

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    NI-CAN 18.5 Driver Win32Eng/Ger/Fre/Jpn NI控制器局域网驱动软件18.5下载

    NI-CAN驱动软件适用于多种类型的CAN硬件应用程序,如高速CAN、容错CAN和LIN接口。NI-CAN具有强大的底层框架API和上层通道,可实现快速开发。NI-CAN用于为LabVIEW、LabWindows/CVI和ANSI C/C++提供本地支持。此外,NI-CAN还包括通道测试面板、总线监控器和记录器以及数据库编辑器等工具。LabWindows标志经Microsoft公司授权使用。Windows是Microsoft公司在美国和其他国家的注册商标。

    文件大小: 533114816 字节 (508.42 MB)
    修改日期: 2019-01-26 04:31
    MD5: 32c57ba3a5a0c2006569abb902a50bc7(官方正确)
    SHA1: 617a3e077924ab9a2e28b7768ca7d7788ea2ce4a
    SHA256: f7f0c9c4c8a2a2a0e15f4eba13cbd2f0ee8f8700b3d270b93168416445640a41
    CRC32: 98512460

    CAN18.5.txt (580 Bytes, 下载次数: 0, 售价: 10 元)

    NI-CAN 18.5 Readme
    January 2019
    This file contains important information about the NI-CAN™ driver software for Windows 10/8.1/7 and LabVIEW™ Real-Time (ETS), including installation instructions, new features, and a partial list of bugs fixed for NI-CAN 18.5.

    Supported Operating Systems
    Application Software Support
    Installation Instructions
    Product Security and Critical Updates
    New Features and Changes
    Supported Hardware
    Bug Fixes
    Additional Programming Topics
    Release Notes
    Automating the Installation of NI Products
    Using NI Software with Microsoft Windows 10
    Using NI Software with Microsoft Windows 8.1
    Legal Information

    NI-CAN provides full-featured application programming interfaces (APIs), plus tools for configuration and analysis within National Instruments Measurement & Automation Explorer (MAX). NI-CAN APIs enable you to develop applications that are customized to your test and simulation requirements.
    The NI-CAN Software and Hardware Installation Guide included on the installation media contains instructions for installing National Instruments CAN hardware and software.
    The NI-CAN Hardware and Software Manual and NI-CAN Help are the primary documents for NI-CAN products. These include an introduction to CAN, information about how to get started with application development, and a complete reference for all NI-CAN functions.
    You can access NI-CAN documentation by selecting Start»All Programs»National Instruments»NI-CAN»NI-CAN Documentation on your computer. Measurement & Automation Explorer Help for CAN and NI-CAN Help are available within Measurement & Automation Explorer (MAX) from the Help Topics menu.
    Links to the NI-CAN Help are in the online help for each NI-CAN function within the National Instruments LabVIEW and LabWindows™/CVI™ development environments.
    Supported Operating Systems
    NI-CAN 18.5 supports the following operating systems:
    • Windows 10/8.11/7 SP12
    1 NI software installs VC2015 Runtime and .NET 4.6.2. Windows 8.1 and Windows Server 2012 R2 require Microsoft updates to support these items. Refer to Microsoft KB2919442 and KB2919355 for more information about how to install these updates.
    2 NI software is signed with a SHA-256 certificate. Windows 7 SP1, Windows Embedded Standard 7 SP1, and Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1 require Microsoft updates to support SHA-256. Refer to Microsoft KB3033929 for more information about how to install this security update.
    Note  The NI-CAN installer does not support Windows Vista/XP/NT/Me/2000/98/95 or installations of Windows 7 without any service packs. NI-CAN 18.5 will not install or run on an unsupported OS. You cannot deploy or distribute applications that use NI-CAN 18.5 to an unsupported OS. Additionally, after installing NI-CAN 18.5, you cannot use any installers built on this computer with any version of LabVIEW, LabWindows™/CVI™, NI TestStand™, or Measurement Studio on an unsupported OS.
    For more information about changes to our OS support for 2016, refer to KB 79UC78LS, Why Does My NI ADE Installer Fail on Windows XP/Vista and Windows Server 2003?.
    Note  Support for Windows 32-bit operating systems may require disabling physical address extension (PAE). To learn how this might affect your system and what actions you might need to take, visit ni.com/info and enter the Info Code PAESupport.
    Application Software Support
    NI-CAN 18.5 supports the following application software versions, including service packs. If you are not using NI application software, refer to Microsoft Visual Studio Support.
    Application SoftwareVersions Supported by NI-CAN 18.5
    LabVIEW (32-bit)2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, and later3
    LabVIEW RT (ETS)2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, and later3
    LabWindows™/CVI™8.0 and later
    3  Support for later versions has not been validated at the time of this release. Refer to the NI-CAN and LabVIEW/LabVIEW RT Compatibility page for the latest information about LabVIEW and LabVIEW RT compatibility.
    Microsoft Visual Studio Support
    NI-CAN supports the following Microsoft Visual Studio versions and associated programming languages.
    Programming LanguagesVersions Supported by NI-CAN 18.5
    Microsoft Visual C/C++
    6.0 and later
    Microsoft Visual Basic
    6.0 and later
    Note  NI-CAN also supports Borland C/C++.
    Installation Instructions
    Before installing the NI-CAN software, log on as Administrator or as a user with Administrator privileges. The NI-CAN software setup program must have Administrator privileges because the program modifies the configuration registry of your system. Complete the following steps to install the NI-CAN software.
    • Insert the NI-CAN software CD into your CD-ROM drive. The installer launches if your CD-ROM drive plays data CDs automatically. If the installer does not launch automatically, navigate to the CD using Windows Explorer and launch the autorun.exe file from your NI-CAN software CD.
    • The installation wizard guides you through the necessary steps to install the NI-CAN software. You can go back and change values where appropriate by clicking the Back button. You can exit the setup where appropriate by clicking Cancel.
    • When the installation is complete, click Finish.

    Beginning with version 18.5.0, NI-CAN installs support for the latest version of LabVIEW found on the system. If you require support for more than one version of LabVIEW, complete the following steps:
    • Install NI-CAN 18.5.0 or later.
    • Restart the system.
    • Copy the following folders from the latest version of LabVIEW to the folder of the older version of LabVIEW. [LVDIR] indicates the folder of the latest LabVIEW version.
      • [LVDIR]\vi.lib\nican
      • [LVDIR]\examples\nican
      • [LVDIR]\help\nicanhelp.chm
      • [LVDIR]\help\nicanhelp.txt
      • [LVDIR]\menus\Categories\Measurement\_NICAN
      • [LVDIR]\menus\Categories\Measurement\can.mnu

    You should now be able to use NI-CAN with both versions of LabVIEW.
    The NI-CAN API is mass-compiled in LabVIEW 2015. This will not affect the functionality of your VIs. However, LabVIEW will prompt you to save the NI-CAN subVIs for LabVIEW 2015 and later. To avoid the prompts, mass compile the folders referenced above. If you require NI-CAN support for earlier versions of LabVIEW, you need an earlier version of NI-CAN.
    Note  Installers for NI-CAN 18.5.0 and later remove NI-CAN support for previous versions of LabVIEW. When you install NI-CAN 18.5.0 or later to upgrade an existing NI-CAN installation, NI-CAN support will be available only in the latest version of LabVIEW installed on your system. To restore support for other LabVIEW versions, complete the steps above. It is important to copy the support files to all versions of LabVIEW immediately after the NI-CAN installation is complete.
    Product Security and Critical Updates
    Visit ni.com/security to view and subscribe to receive security notifications about NI products. Visit ni.com/critical-updates for information about critical updates from NI.
    New Features and ChangesNew Features and Changes as Compared to NI-CAN 18.0
    The NI-CAN 18.5 release adds the following features:
    • Added support for installation to the latest version of LabVIEW (32-bit).
    • Added support for NI USB-8501 devices when used with the NI-XNET Compatibility Library and NI-XNET 18.5 or later. Note that the NI-XNET Compatibility Library mimics limitations of the NI USB-847x devices, and only supports the Frame API with Network Interface Objects.
    • Location of the NI-CAN internal error log changed: %PROGRAMDATA%\National Instruments\NI-CAN.
    • The NI-CAN installer was changed to install support for only the latest version of LabVIEW found on the system. Note that, if multiple versions of LabVIEW (32-bit) are installed, support for previous versions will be removed.
    New Features and Changes as Compared to NI-CAN 17.0
    The NI-CAN 18.0 release adds the following features:
    • Added support for LabVIEW 2018 (32-bit).
    • Removed support for LabVIEW 2014.
    New Features and Changes as Compared to NI-CAN 16.0
    The NI-CAN 17.0 release adds the following features:
    • Added support for LabVIEW 2017 (32-bit).
    • Removed support for LabVIEW 2013.
    • Added support for NI USB-8502 and NI USB-8506 devices when used with the NI-XNET Compatibility Library and NI-XNET 16.1 or later. Note that the NI-XNET Compatibility Library mimics limitations of the NI USB-847x devices, and only supports the Frame API with Network Interface Objects.
    New Features and Changes as Compared to NI-CAN 15.0
    The NI-CAN 16.0 release adds the following features:
    • Added support for LabVIEW 2016 (32-bit).
    • Removed support for LabVIEW 2012.
    New Features and Changes as Compared to NI-CAN 14.0
    The NI-CAN 15.0 release adds the following features:
    • Added support for LabVIEW 2015 (32-bit).
    • Removed support for LabVIEW 2011.
    New Features and Changes as Compared to NI-CAN 2.7.5
    The NI-CAN 14.0 release adds the following features:
    • Added support for LabVIEW 2014 (32-bit).
    • Removed support for LabVIEW 2010.
    New Features and Changes as Compared to NI-CAN 2.7.4
    The NI-CAN 2.7.5 release adds the following features:
    • Added support for LabVIEW 2013 (32-bit).
    • Removed support for LabVIEW 2009.
    • Added support for NI 9861 and 9862 devices on cDAQ through NI-XNET (LabVIEW 2010 or later)
      For more information about running NI-CAN code on NI-XNET hardware, see "NI-XNET Compatibility for NI-CAN" in the NI-CAN Help.

    New Features and Changes as Compared to NI-CAN 2.7.3
    The NI-CAN 2.7.4 release adds the following features:
    • Added support for LabVIEW 2012 (32-bit).
    • Removed support for LabVIEW 8.6.
    • Removed support for Windows XP prior to Service Pack 3.
    New Features and Changes as Compared to NI-CAN 2.7.2
    The NI-CAN 2.7.3 release adds the following features:
    • Added support for LabVIEW 2011 (32-bit).
    • Removed support for LabVIEW 8.5.
    New Features and Changes as Compared to NI-CAN 2.7
    The NI-CAN 2.7.2 release adds the following features:
    • Added support for LabVIEW 2010 (32-bit).
    • Removed support for LabVIEW 8.2.
    New Features and Changes as Compared to NI-CAN 2.6.x
    The NI-CAN 2.7 release adds the following features:
    • Added support for PCI-8511, 8512, and 8513 devices through NI-XNET (LabVIEW 8.5 or newer)
    • Added support for PXI-8511, 8512, and 8513 devices through NI-XNET (LabVIEW 8.5 or newer)
    For more information about running NI-CAN code on NI-XNET hardware, see "NI-XNET Compatibility for NI-CAN" in the NI-CAN Help.
    New Features and Changes as Compared to NI-CAN 2.5.x
    The NI-CAN 2.6.3 release adds the following features:
    • Added support for LabVIEW 2009.
    • Removed support for LabVIEW 7.1.
    The NI-CAN 2.6 release adds the following features:
    • Added support for LabVIEW 8.6.
    • Removed support for LabVIEW 8.0.x.
    • Location of the C language interface and example files changed:

      The language interface and example files for Microsoft Visual C/C++ 6.0 and Borland C have moved from the Program Files\National Instruments\NI-CAN\MS Visual C\ directory to the Users\Public\Documents\National Instruments\NI-CAN\MS Visual C\ directory on Windows Vista and the Documents and Settings\All Users\Shared Documents\National Instruments\NI-CAN\Examples\MS Visual C\ directory on Windows XP/2000. This change satisfies Windows Vista requirements when allowing users to save changes or add files to the directory.

      The NIEXTCCOMPILERSUPP environment variable is provided as an alias to the location of C language support files (.h and .lib). You can use this variable when compiling and linking an application.
    The NI-CAN 2.5.1 release adds the following features:
    • Added support for LabVIEW 8.5.
    Supported Hardware
    The following list details the hardware models supported in NI-CAN 18.5.
    • PCI-CAN, PCI-CAN/2 (High-Speed; Series 1 and 2)
    • PCI-CAN/LS, PCI-CAN/LS2 (Low-Speed/Fault-Tolerant; Series 1 and 2)
    • PCI-CAN/DS, (Dual Speed: Port-1 High-Speed, Port-2 Low-Speed; Series 1)
    • PCI-CAN/XS, PCI-CAN/XS2, (Software-Selectable HS/LS/SW; Series 2)
    • PXI-8460, one-port or two-port (Low-Speed/Fault-Tolerant; Series 1 and 2)
    • PXI-8461, one-port or two-port (High-Speed; Series 1 and 2)
    • PXI-8462, (Dual Speed: Port-1 High-Speed, Port-2 Low-Speed; Series 1)
    • PXI-8464, one-port or two-port (Software-Selectable HS/LS/SW; Series 2)
    This version of the NI-CAN software supports the following National Instruments hardware products on Windows:
    • USB-8472 (Low-Speed/Fault-Tolerant CAN)
    • USB-8472s (Low-Speed/Fault-Tolerant CAN with synchronization)
    • USB-8473 (High-Speed CAN)
    • USB-8473s (High-Speed CAN with synchronization)
    • USB-8476 (LIN)
    • USB-8476s (LIN with synchronization)
    • PCMCIA-CAN, PCMCIA-CAN/2 (Series 1 and 2)
    Several National Instruments Series 1 CAN hardware products are not supported in this version of NI-CAN. Install NI-CAN version 2.2 for support of the following hardware products (available on ni.com):
    • PCI-CAN, (pre-1998 CAN card, part numbers 183887A-01 and 183887B-01)
    • PCI-CAN/2, (pre-1998 CAN card, part numbers 183887A-02 and 183887B-02)
    • PCMCIA-CAN, (pre-1998 CAN card, part numbers 184272A-01, 184272B-01, and 184272C-01)
    • PCMCIA-CAN/2, (pre-1998 CAN card, part numbers 184272A-02, 184272B-02, and 184272C-02)
    Install NI-CAN version 2.1.3 for support of the following AT (ISA) hardware products (available on ni.com):
    • AT-CAN
    • AT-CAN/2 (ISAPNP cards; High Speed; Series 1)
    The NI-CAN software supports only National Instruments CAN hardware products. For information about software for CAN products from other vendors, refer to the documentation you received with those products.
    Bug Fixes
    The following items are the IDs and titles of a subset of issues fixed between NI-CAN 2.7.5 and NI-CAN 18.5. If you have a CAR ID, you can search this list to validate that the issue has been fixed. This is not an exhaustive list of issues fixed in the current version of NI-CAN.
    Bug IDFixed Issue
    414367When using a Real-Time target, some NI-XNET cards may display as "Unknown Device."
    644400Example projects might not compile after an upgrade because the location of the NI-CAN CVI header file (nican.h) in not consistent across versions.
    714191NI USB-847x devices can lose frames or cause a system crash while transmitting.
    717841Repeatedly calling ncConfig with interface numbers larger than 260 (e.g., CAN99999) can lead to an unhandled exception and crash in ncConfig.

    The following items are the IDs and titles of a subset of issues fixed between NI-CAN 2.7.4 and NI-CAN 2.7.5. If you have a CAR ID, you can search this list to validate that the issue has been fixed. This is not an exhaustive list of issues fixed in the current version of NI-CAN.
    Bug IDFixed Issue
    361899Memory corruption possible when reading data in LabVIEW.

    The following items are the IDs and titles of a subset of issues fixed between NI-CAN 2.7.2 and NI-CAN 2.7.3. If you have a CAR ID, you can search this list to validate that the issue has been fixed. This is not an exhaustive list of issues fixed in the current version of NI-CAN.
    Bug IDFixed Issue
    251950System hangs with ncAction Start when Log Start Trigger attribute is enabled.
    282965USB CAN modules disappear from MAX when multiple processes are executed at the same time.

    The following items are the IDs and titles of a subset of issues fixed between NI-CAN 2.7.1 and NI-CAN 2.7.2. If you have a CAR ID, you can search this list to validate that the issue has been fixed. This is not an exhaustive list of issues fixed in the current version of NI-CAN.
    Bug IDFixed Issue
    145168MUX in Motorola byte order does not work properly when sending less than a full 8-byte frame.
    242580Scheduler assertion error on NI PXI-8109 real-time controller when using ports on two different devices.

    The following items are the IDs and titles of a subset of issues fixed between NI-CAN 2.6.2 and NI-CAN 2.7.1. If you have a CAR ID, you can search this list to validate that the issue has been fixed. This is not an exhaustive list of issues fixed in the current version of NI-CAN.
    Bug IDFixed Issue
    142729NI USB-8473s synchronization fails with traffic on the bus.
    226671Error R6030 when compiling NI-CAN application in Visual Studio 2008.
    233936The nctInitStart function fails with NI-XNET compatibility error.

    The following items are the IDs and titles of a subset of issues fixed between NI-CAN 2.6.1 and NI-CAN 2.6.2. If you have a CAR ID, you can search this list to validate that the issue has been fixed. This is not an exhaustive list of issues fixed in the current version of NI-CAN.
    Bug IDFixed Issue
    139394Terminating an NI-CAN process on one CAN port might affect other CAN ports or cards.

    The following items are the IDs and titles of a subset of issues fixed between NI-CAN 2.6 and NI-CAN 2.6.1. If you have a CAR ID, you can search this list to validate that the issue has been fixed. This is not an exhaustive list of issues fixed in the current version of NI-CAN.
    Bug IDFixed Issue
    122723Blue screen when removing an NI USB-847x or PCMCIA CAN interface while running an NI-CAN application on it.
    120242Warning states should not trigger a notification callback.

    The following items are the IDs and titles of a subset of issues fixed between NI-CAN 2.5.2 and NI-CAN 2.6. If you have a CAR ID, you can search this list to validate that the issue has been fixed. This is not an exhaustive list of issues fixed in the current version of NI-CAN.
    Bug IDFixed Issue
    103680Timeline Recovery attribute for ncWriteNetMult VI/function does not work.
    55364Importing a CAN database in MAX incorrectly changes datatype for extended arbitration IDs.
    93911Calling ncClose frequently may result in a firmware no response error.
    95354Notification functions/ncWait for Read operations do not work on NI-847x interfaces.
    42012Using the timestamped input read mode with 64 tasks causes a kernel overflow error.
    40750You cannot set the Single Shot property when the Network Interface Object is running.
    94653The ncOpen function/VI could fail to start communication fast computers.

    The following items are the IDs and titles of a subset of issues fixed between NI-CAN 2.5.1 and NI-CAN 2.5.2. If you have a CAR ID, you can search this list to validate that the issue has been fixed. This is not an exhaustive list of issues fixed in the current version of NI-CAN.
    Bug IDFixed Issue
    4DAGR870NI-CAN 2.5.1 does not install VIs to support synchronization between Traditional NI-DAQ and CAN for LabVIEW 8.5.

    The following items are the IDs and titles of a subset of issues fixed between NI-CAN 2.5 and NI-CAN 2.5.1. If you have a CAR ID, you can search this list to validate that the issue has been fixed. This is not an exhaustive list of issues fixed in the current version of NI-CAN.
    Bug IDFixed Issue
    47P90370Fixed an issue where the LIN firmware was incorrectly calculating the enhanced checksum using the unprotected ID.
    47ICPNSPFixed an issue where CAN objects would not restart correctly when the Network Interface is restarted.
    48H8PQ70Fixed an issue where the computer would crash when the function SetProcessWorkingSetSize() is used to increase buffer memory.

    Additional Programming TopicsNI-DAQ Synchronization VIs
    Traditional NI-DAQ driver software is not supported on Windows Vista or Windows 7; therefore, the following CAN/DAQ synchronization VIs are not available on Windows Vista or Windows 7:
    • CAN Clear with NI-DAQ.vi
    • CAN Clear Multiple with NI-DAQ.vi
    • CAN Sync Start with NI-DAQ.vi
    • CAN Sync Start Multiple with NI-DAQ.vi
    Support of CANdb (*.DBC) Files
    NI-CAN provides support for CANdb network files created using the Vector CANdb or CANdb++ editor. You can use the information from the CANdb file in Measurement & Automation Explorer (MAX) or with the NI-CAN Channel API. For more information, refer to "Using the Channel API" in the NI-CAN Help.
    NI-CAN supports CANdb network files created using the CAN module of Vector products. NI-CAN does not provide complete support of CANdb files created using modules for higher-layer CAN protocols, such as J1939, ISO11783, or NMEA2000. To view the set of features supported for these modules, import the CANdb file into MAX. NI-CAN displays an error dialog for any unsupported object and displays those objects with a red mark. For example, the J1939 protocol for multiframe messages (greater than 8 bytes) is not supported in the current version of NI-CAN.
    Updating Get/Set Attribute in Frame API for LabVIEW
    NI-CAN 2.4 (or newer) includes several new Frame API attributes. If you have a LabVIEW VI written for an earlier version of NI-CAN, upgrading to NI-CAN 2.4 (or newer) will not automatically update constants or controls for the AttrId input. To use the new attributes, replace your older constants and controls using the AttrId input of the updated NI-CAN VIs.
    If you do not want to use new Frame API attributes, you can continue to use the older constants and controls for compatibility.
    This issue does not apply to the Channel API for LabVIEW. Because the Get/Set Property functions are provided as polymorphic VIs, they are automatically updated.
    Release Notes
    • The NI-XNET Compatibility Layer for NI-CAN currently supports the following hardware:
      • PCI-8511, PCI-8512, PCI-8513, PXI-8511, PXI-8512, and PXI-8513 (Windows and Phar Lap)
      • NI 9861 and NI 9862 (Windows only) (In LabVIEW, these models appear as PCI-8511 and PCI-8512 1-port variants.)
      • USB-8501, USB-8502, and USB-8506 (Windows only, Frame API only)
    • The NI-XNET Compatibility Layer for NI-CAN currently does not support the LabVIEW example Channel Monitor.vi.
    • For USB-LIN interfaces, the LIN bus must be terminated. This is typically done at the master node. For information about how to enable or disable termination on the USB-LIN, refer to the ncSetAttribute attribute function with the Frame API.
    • USB-LIN interfaces require external power from 8–18 V. For more details on power requirements, refer to hardware specifications, which are available on ni.com.
    • When hardware is first detected, the USB LED quickly switches between green and amber.
    • Fatal errors can cause the USB LED to flash in an error code pattern. Count the number of long and short flashes, then contact National Instruments support.
    • If you use a USB hub with USB CAN or LIN products, the hub must be powered.
    • Due to the inherent latencies of USB, the driver on the host side might process data or states that NI USB-847x series devices receive later than data from a plug-in (e.g., PCI, PXI, or PCMCIA) interface. This does not affect timestamps, as timestamps are generated on the hardware, but with NI USB-847x series devices it can cause timeout failures that do not happen on plug-in hardware. To avoid such timeout failures, increase the timeout value for functions that perform a wait for a certain state.
    Automating the Installation of NI Products
    You can automate the installation of most NI products using command-line arguments to suppress some or all of the installer user interface and dialog boxes.
    If the NI product you are installing uses Microsoft .NET 4.0, the .NET installer may run before any NI software installs and may require a reboot before the installation of NI software begins. To avoid a .NET reboot, install .NET 4.0 separately before you install NI software.
    For more information about automating the installation of NI products, refer to the following KnowledgeBase articles:
    • For more information about silent installations of individual NI products, refer to KB 4CJDP38M, Customize and Automate Installation of a Single Installer.
    • For more information about silent installations of NI products in a suite, such as NI Developer Suite, refer to KB 4GGGDQH0, Customize and Automate Installation of a Suited Installer.
    • To determine what version of NI Installers your product contains, refer to KB 4CJDR18M, Determine Type and Version of My National Instruments Installer.
    Using NI Software with Microsoft Windows 10
    Microsoft Windows 10 is the latest version of the Windows operating system and features significant changes compared to previous versions. Windows 10 introduces several new capabilities and also combines features from both Windows 7 and Windows 8. For more information about NI support for Windows 10, visit ni.com/windows10.
    Using NI Software with Microsoft Windows 8.1
    When you install NI software on Microsoft Windows 8.1, you will notice a few additional tiles in the Apps view, including shortcuts to NI application software products such as NI LabVIEW, Measurement & Automation Explorer (NI MAX), and NI Launcher. For more information about NI support for Windows 8.1, visit ni.com/windows8.

    Legal Information
    © 1996–2019 National Instruments. All rights reserved.
    Under the copyright laws, this publication may not be reproduced or transmitted in any form, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, storing in an information retrieval system, or translating, in whole or in part, without the prior written consent of National Instruments Corporation.
    NI respects the intellectual property of others, and we ask our users to do the same. NI software is protected by copyright and other intellectual property laws. Where NI software may be used to reproduce software or other materials belonging to others, you may use NI software only to reproduce materials that you may reproduce in accordance with the terms of any applicable license or other legal restriction.
    End-User License Agreements and Third-Party Legal Notices
    You can find end-user license agreements (EULAs) and third-party legal notices in the following locations after installation:
    • Notices are located in the \_Legal Information and directories.
    • EULAs are located in the \Shared\MDF\Legal\license directory.
    • Review \_Legal Information.txt for information on including legal information in installers built with NI products.
    U.S. Government Restricted Rights
    If you are an agency, department, or other entity of the United States Government ("Government"), the use, duplication, reproduction, release, modification, disclosure or transfer of the technical data included in this manual is governed by the Restricted Rights provisions under Federal Acquisition Regulation 52.227-14 for civilian agencies and Defense Federal Acquisition Regulation Supplement Section 252.227-7014 and 252.227-7015 for military agencies.
    IVI Foundation Copyright Notice
    Content from the IVI specifications reproduced with permission from the IVI Foundation.
    The IVI Foundation and its member companies make no warranty of any kind with regard to this material, including, but not limited to, the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. The IVI Foundation and its member companies shall not be liable for errors contained herein or for incidental or consequential damages in connection with the furnishing, performance, or use of this material.
    Refer to the NI Trademarks and Logo Guidelines at ni.com/trademarks for information on NI trademarks. Other product and company names mentioned herein are trademarks or trade names of their respective companies.
    For patents covering the NI products/technology, refer to the appropriate location: Help» Patents in your software, the patents.txt file on your media, or the NI Patent Notice at ni.com/patents.

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